Homes over 30 Years Old
Is Your Home Over 30 Years Old?
If so, then your property could be subject to the new Citizens Insurance 4-Point changes.
Effective February 9, 2018, Citizens Property Insurance issued new guidelines for 4-Point inspections on homes over 30 years old. These changes come into effect September 1, 2018. Citizens is the largest carrier serving Florida and, no, simply finding a different carrier may not help. The insurance industry (not just Citizens) has made some major changes and these changes could effect the selling of and insuring of the home for the new buyer. For more information please visit
Please be advised that by having a home inspection completed, this does not qualify the home as insurable. Even though the inspected component/ systems was determined to be in satisfactory condition, the insurance criteria is different then the home inspection standard of practice and therefore the insurance carrier could require you to replace the inspected component/ systems or to bring the component/systems up to insurability standards.